Omnidirectional texturing of human actors from multiple view video sequences

Romanian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, page 133--136 - 2005
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In 3D video, recorded object behaviors can be observed from any viewpoint, because the 3D video registers the object's 3D shape and color. However, the real-world views are limited to the views from a number of cameras, so only a coarse model of the object can be recovered in real-time. It becomes then necessary to judiciously texture the object with images recovered from the cameras. One of the problems in multi-texturing is to decide what portion of the 3D model is visible from what camera. We propose a texture-mapping algorithm that tries to bypass the problem of exactly deciding if a point is visible or not from a certain camera. Given more than two color values for each pixel, a statistical test allows to exclude outlying color data before blending.

Images and movies


BibTex references

  author       = "Orzan, Alexandrina and Hasenfratz, Jean-Marc",
  title        = "Omnidirectional texturing of human actors from multiple view video sequences",
  booktitle    = "Romanian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction",
  pages        = "133--136",
  year         = "2005",
  keywords     = "texture, virtual reality, vide",
  url          = ""

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» Alexandrina Orzan
» Jean-Marc Hasenfratz