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Olivier Hoel


!! Looking for a job !! I'm looking for a new position as a graphics engineer, in Canada ! Ideally in Montréal, in a video game studio, animation, special effects, or research lab. Feel free to contact me if you're interested in my skills !

I am a computer graphics engineer working in ARTIS since January 2008. I worked for almost 2 years on GENAC project (Automated Content GENeration) with Cyril Soler and Eden Game studio (Lyon,France, has recently shipped Test Drive Unlimited 2 and Alone In The Dark - Near Death Investigation), on global illumniation for video games.
Currently I work on GARDEN project (next-gen video game engine, still collaborating with Eden Game), on realistic real-time rendering for video games.

Research themes

GENAC project:
My research works are about real time global illumination for video games, more specifically about ambient occlusion and indirect lighting computation in screen space, using deffered rendering engine.
About SSAO: our method aims at computing visible horizon in every direction, around each point (similar to HBAO method from nVidia). Some videos after integration in Alone In The Dark game engine.

About SSIL: our method compute indirect lighting in a hierarchical way, using low resolution version of G-Buffer. We also adapt Monte-Carlo integration formula to fit screen space computation. GARDEN project:

Recent publications

Here is the list of my recent publications :

Slides from my Siggraph'10 talk 'A Fast Deferred Shading Algorithm for Approximate Indirect Illumination' are available: Pptx format / Ppt format / PDF format , as well as the video (xVid).
Check also the technical report for all details.


Cyril Soler, Olivier Hoel, Frank Rochet
A Deferred Shading Pipeline for Real-Time Indirect Illumination
ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Talks, Jul 2010, Los Angeles, CA, United States. pp.18, ⟨10.1145/1837026.1837049⟩
DOI : 10.1145/1837026.1837049
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex BibTex


Cyril Soler, Olivier Hoel, Franck Rochet, Frederic Jay, Nicolas Holzschuch
Hierarchical Screen Space Indirect Illumination For Video Games
[Research Report] RR-7162, INRIA. 2009, pp.22
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex BibTex

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Area

    A bit of Nostalgia:
» Retro Game Alpes, Wake-On-Lan community - which I belong to - regularly organizes Retrogaming events (pinballs, old video game consoles and pc) gathering hundreds of passionate people and onlookers.
    A bit of Sport:
» GièreS'calade, the funniest climbing club of Grenoble area
» Les Tigres Grenoblois, Floorball club of Grenoble Grésivaudan
    A bit of Magic:
» Dominique Duvivier, awesome French magician (close-up)
» Le double Fond, his amazing showroom where he performs with his daughter