
# #
# This file is part of a style sheet example from the Freestyle application #
# Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Stephane Grabli (Stephane.Grabli@imag.fr) #
# #
# http://artis.imag.fr/Software/Freestyle #
# #

from Freestyle import * from Functions1D import *
count = 0
class pyNFirstUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self, n):
self.__n = n
def __call__(self, inter):
global count
count = count + 1
if count <= self.__n:
return 1
return 0

class pyHigherLengthUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,l):
self._l = l

def getName(self):
return "HigherLengthUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
return (inter.getLength2D() > self._l)

class pyNatureUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,nature):
self._nature = nature

def getName(self):
return "pyNatureUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
if(inter.getNature() & self._nature):
return 1
return 0

class pyHigherNumberOfTurnsUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,n,a):
self._n = n
self._a = a

def getName(self):
return "HigherNumberOfTurnsUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
count = 0
func = Curvature2DAngleF0D()
it = inter.verticesBegin()
while(it.isEnd() == 0):
if(func(it) > self._a):
count = count+1
if(count > self._n):
return 1
return 0

class pyDensityUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,wsize,threshold, integration = MEAN, sampling=2.0):
self._wsize = wsize
self._threshold = threshold
self._integration = integration
self._func = DensityF1D(self._wsize, self._integration, sampling)

def getName(self):
return "pyDensityUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
if(self._func(inter) < self._threshold):
return 1
return 0

class pyLowSteerableViewMapDensityUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,threshold, level,integration = MEAN):
self._threshold = threshold
self._level = level
self._integration = integration

def getName(self):
return "pyLowSteerableViewMapDensityUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
func = GetSteerableViewMapDensityF1D(self._level, self._integration)
v = func(inter)
if(v < self._threshold):
return 1
return 0

class pyLowDirectionalViewMapDensityUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,threshold, orientation, level,integration = MEAN):
self._threshold = threshold
self._orientation = orientation
self._level = level
self._integration = integration

def getName(self):
return "pyLowDirectionalViewMapDensityUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
func = GetDirectionalViewMapDensityF1D(self._orientation, self._level, self._integration)
v = func(inter)
if(v < self._threshold):
return 1
return 0

class pyHighSteerableViewMapDensityUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,threshold, level,integration = MEAN):
self._threshold = threshold
self._level = level
self._integration = integration
self._func = GetSteerableViewMapDensityF1D(self._level, self._integration)
def getName(self):
return "pyHighSteerableViewMapDensityUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
v = self._func(inter)
if(v > self._threshold):
return 1
return 0

class pyHighDirectionalViewMapDensityUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,threshold, orientation, level,integration = MEAN, sampling=2.0):
self._threshold = threshold
self._orientation = orientation
self._level = level
self._integration = integration
self._sampling = sampling
def getName(self):
return "pyLowDirectionalViewMapDensityUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
func = GetDirectionalViewMapDensityF1D(self._orientation, self._level, self._integration, self._sampling)
v = func(inter)
if(v > self._threshold):
return 1
return 0

class pyHighViewMapDensityUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,threshold, level,integration = MEAN, sampling=2.0):
self._threshold = threshold
self._level = level
self._integration = integration
self._sampling = sampling
self._func = GetCompleteViewMapDensityF1D(self._level, self._integration, self._sampling) # 2.0 is the smpling

def getName(self):
return "pyHighViewMapDensityUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
v= self._func(inter)
if(v > self._threshold):
return 1
return 0

class pyDensityFunctorUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,wsize,threshold, functor, funcmin=0.0, funcmax=1.0, integration = MEAN):
self._wsize = wsize
self._threshold = float(threshold)
self._functor = functor
self._funcmin = float(funcmin)
self._funcmax = float(funcmax)
self._integration = integration

def getName(self):
return "pyDensityFunctorUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
func = DensityF1D(self._wsize, self._integration)
res = self._functor(inter)
k = (res-self._funcmin)/(self._funcmax-self._funcmin)
if(func(inter) < self._threshold*k):
return 1
return 0

class pyZSmallerUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,z, integration=MEAN):
self._z = z
self._integration = integration
def getName(self):
return "pyZSmallerUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
func = GetProjectedZF1D(self._integration)
if(func(inter) < self._z):
return 1
return 0

class pyIsOccludedByUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,id):
self._id = id
def getName(self):
return "pyIsOccludedByUP1D"
def __call__(self, inter):
func = GetShapeF1D()
shapes = func(inter)
for s in shapes:
if(s.getId() == self._id):
return 0
it = inter.verticesBegin()
itlast = inter.verticesEnd()
v = it.getObject()
vlast = itlast.getObject()
tvertex = v.castToTVertex()
if(tvertex != None):
eit = tvertex.edgesBegin()
while(eit.isEnd() == 0):
ve = eit.getObject().first
if(ve.shape_id() == self._id):
return 1
tvertex = vlast.castToTVertex()
if(tvertex != None):
eit = tvertex.edgesBegin()
while(eit.isEnd() == 0):
ve = eit.getObject().first
if(ve.shape_id() == self._id):
return 1
return 0

class pyIsInOccludersListUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,id):
self._id = id
def getName(self):
return "pyIsInOccludersListUP1D"
def __call__(self, inter):
func = GetOccludersF1D()
occluders = func(inter)
for a in occluders:
if(a.getId() == self._id):
return 1
return 0

class pyIsOccludedByItselfUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self):
self.__func1 = GetOccludersF1D()
self.__func2 = GetShapeF1D()
def getName(self):
return "pyIsOccludedByItselfUP1D"
def __call__(self, inter):
lst1 = self.__func1(inter)
lst2 = self.__func2(inter)
for vs1 in lst1:
for vs2 in lst2:
if vs1.getId() == vs2.getId():
return 1
return 0

class pyShapeIdUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,id):
self._id = id
def getName(self):
return "pyShapeIdUP1D"
def __call__(self, inter):
func = GetShapeF1D()
shapes = func(inter)
for a in shapes:
if(a.getId() == self._id):
return 1
return 0

class pyHighDensityAnisotropyUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,threshold, level, sampling=2.0):
self._l = threshold
self.func = pyDensityAnisotropyF1D(level, MEAN, sampling)
def getName(self):
return "pyHighDensityAnisotropyUP1D"
def __call__(self, inter):
return (self.func(inter) > self._l)

class pyHighViewMapGradientNormUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,threshold, l, sampling=2.0):
self._threshold = threshold
self._GetGradient = pyViewMapGradientNormF1D(l, MEAN)
def getName(self):
return "pyHighViewMapGradientNormUP1D"
def __call__(self, inter):
gn = self._GetGradient(inter)
return (gn > self._threshold)

class pyDensityVariableSigmaUP1D(UnaryPredicate1D):
def __init__(self,functor, sigmaMin,sigmaMax, lmin, lmax, tmin, tmax, integration = MEAN, sampling=2.0):
self._functor = functor
self._sigmaMin = float(sigmaMin)
self._sigmaMax = float(sigmaMax)
self._lmin = float(lmin)
self._lmax = float(lmax)
self._tmin = tmin
self._tmax = tmax
self._integration = integration
self._sampling = sampling

def getName(self):
return "pyDensityUP1D"

def __call__(self, inter):
sigma = (self._sigmaMax-self._sigmaMin)/(self._lmax-self._lmin)*(self._functor(inter)-self._lmin) + self._sigmaMin
t = (self._tmax-self._tmin)/(self._lmax-self._lmin)*(self._functor(inter)-self._lmin) + self._tmin
if(sigma sigma = self._sigmaMin
self._func = DensityF1D(sigma, self._integration, self._sampling)
d = self._func(inter)
if(d return 1
return 0