
LiPrimitiveConsistentPolygon( LtPrim prim
LtPoly poly
LtBoolean nice_poly
Synopsis Make the orientation of all polygons in a mesh consistent, using a seed polygon as a reference point.
prim The primitive which is to be made consistent.
poly The seed polygon which is to be used as reference.
nice_poly Flag which says whether the seed polygon is good or not..
Return Value A status value.

Description LiPrimitiveConsistentPolygon provides a higher level interface to the rest of the normal consistency API. It takes as input a polygon mesh primitive, a single polygon from that mesh and a flag which indicates whether this polygon is correctly oriented ( TRUE) or not ( FALSE). If the mesh is already consistent and the polygon is already correctly oriented then there is no further work to do. If the polygon is wrongly-oriented, then the function will call LiPrimitiveReverse to fix things. If LI_PRIM_FLAG_CONSISTENT is not set then LiPrimitiveConsistentParts will be called. If more than one primitive results, the routine will fail because one polygon is not sufficient to resolve the situation (it can only lie in one mesh). If a single polygon mesh results, the routine proceeds as described above for consistent input.
See Also LiPrimitiveConsistentParts

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