Rendering CSG scenes with general antialiasing

CSG 96 Set-theoretic Solid Modelling Techniques and Applications, Information Geometers, page 275-289 - 1996
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Ray-tracing is one of the most popular techniques for rendering 3D images. Effects such as shadows, reflection, refraction and so on can e produced with this technique. However, ray-tracing is a point-sampling technique with well-known aliasing problems. In particular, small objects and small shadows can be hidden between rays and not be detected. No ray-tracing method, even using oversamplin , can solve this problem entirely. The solution is to use an extension of ray-tracing in which the concept of the infinitesimal ray is replaced by that of the beam, which has a volume of the scene. Beam-tracing is more complex than ray-tracing: in particular because of the beam-object intersection computations. So beam-tracers are usually limited to polygonal objects. The method presented here is a beam-tracer with no explicit beam-object intersection computations; so it can be used for rendering CSG scenes with antialiasing.

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Références BibTex

  author       = "Hasenfratz, Jean-Marc and Ghazanfarpour, Djamchid",
  title        = "Rendering CSG scenes with general antialiasing",
  booktitle    = "CSG 96 Set-theoretic Solid Modelling Techniques and Applications, Information Geometers",
  pages        = "275-289",
  year         = "1996",
  organization = "Winchester",
  keywords     = "CSG, antialiasing, beam tracin",
  url          = ""

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» Jean-Marc Hasenfratz
» Djamchid Ghazanfarpour