Lancer de Faisceaux en Synthèse d'Images

Thèse de l'Université de Limoges - Janvier 1998
Télécharger la publication : BeamTracing.pdf [3.5Mo]  
Ray tracing is one of the most important rendering techniques used in computer graphics. However, this algorithm cannot resolve all the aliasing problems, particulary small objects, or small shadows are missed. Beam tracers can be considered as an extension of classical ray tracers. They replace the concept of infinitesimal ray by that of beam. The "pyramidal beam tracer" studied here has some advantages: Other applications of beam tracer are possible. We can use beam tracer in an exact visibility algorithm based on generalized maps. Beams are used to optimize this method and to determine precisely the position between two objetcs. In the case of a rendering process, beams can decrease the nomber of considered objets to determine the visibility, for example in a radiosity algorithm.

Images et films


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Références BibTex

  author       = "Hasenfratz, Jean-Marc",
  title        = "Lancer de Faisceaux en Synth\`ese d'Images",
  school       = "Universit\'e de Limoges",
  month        = "Janvier",
  year         = "1998",
  note         = "Pages 140",
  keywords     = "beam tracing, ray tracing, ant",
  url          = ""

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» Jean-Marc Hasenfratz