An Efficient Instantiation Algorithm for Simulating Radiant Energy Transfer in Plant Models

Cyril Soler, François Sillion, Frédéric Blaise, Philippe Dereffye
ACM Transactions On Graphics, Volume 22, Number 2 - April 2003
Télécharger la publication : plants.csoler.pdf [7Mo]  

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Références BibTex

  author       = "Soler, Cyril and Sillion, Fran\c{c}ois and Blaise, Fr\'ed\'eric and Dereffye, Philippe",
  title        = "An Efficient Instantiation Algorithm for Simulating Radiant Energy Transfer in Plant Models",
  journal      = "ACM Transactions On Graphics",
  number       = "2",
  volume       = "22",
  month        = "April",
  year         = "2003",
  keywords     = "Radiosity, Instantiation",
  url          = ""

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» Cyril Soler
» François Sillion
» Frédéric Blaise
» Philippe Dereffye