Sample-based Visibility for Soft Shadows Using Alias-free Shadow Maps

Erik Sintorn, Elmar Eisemann, Ulf Assarsson
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2008), Volume 27, Number 4, page 1285--1292 - June 2008
Télécharger la publication : softshadows2008EGSR.pdf [3.2Mo]  

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  author       = "Sintorn, Erik and Eisemann, Elmar and Assarsson, Ulf",
  title        = "Sample-based Visibility for Soft Shadows Using Alias-free Shadow Maps",
  journal      = "Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2008)",
  number       = "4",
  volume       = "27",
  pages        = "1285--1292",
  month        = "June",
  year         = "2008",
  keywords     = "Shadows, alias-free, GPU",
  url          = ""

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» Elmar Eisemann
» Ulf Assarsson