Non-Linear Aperture for Stylized Depth of Field

SIGGRAPH 2009 - Technical talk - 2009
Télécharger la publication : main_lightfield.pdf [2.6Mo]   supplemental.pdf [3Mo]  

We introduce in this paper non-linear apertures that produce stylized depth of field from lightfield data. A non linear aperture is similar in spirit to the conventional aperture of a camera, except that it replaces the blur of shallow depth of field by a more complex detail removal filtering. The resulting non-realistic apertures produce stylized images where the amount of abstraction varies automatically with depth.

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Références BibTex

  author       = "Bousseau, Adrien",
  title        = "Non-Linear Aperture for Stylized Depth of Field",
  year         = "2009",
  howpublished       = "SIGGRAPH 2009 - Technical talk",
  url          = ""

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» Adrien Bousseau