Beyond Triangles : GigaVoxels Effects In Video Games

SIGGRAPH 2009 : Technical talk - August 2009
Télécharger la publication : GigaVoxels_Siggraph09_Slides.pdf [7.5Mo]   gigavoxels_siggraph09_talk.pdf [2.4Mo]  

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Références BibTex

  author       = "Crassin, Cyril and Neyret, Fabrice and Lefebvre, Sylvain and Sainz, Miguel and Eisemann, Elmar",
  title        = "Beyond Triangles : GigaVoxels Effects In Video Games",
  booktitle    = "SIGGRAPH 2009 : Technical talk",
  month        = "August",
  year         = "2009",
  publisher    = "ACM SIGGRAPH",
  keywords     = "GPU, voxels, sparse, out-of-core, ray-tracing, depth-of-field, soft shadows",
  url          = ""

Autres publications dans la base

» Cyril Crassin
» Fabrice Neyret
» Sylvain Lefebvre
» Miguel Sainz
» Elmar Eisemann