X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode Class Reference

Class declared in <X3DTK/kernel.h> defining the root of the inheritance tree for the nodes of the different scene graphs. More...

Inheritance diagram for X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode:

X3DTK::GL::X3DNode X3DTK::MESH::X3DNode X3DTK::X3D::X3DNode X3DTK::GL::X3DAppearanceChildNode X3DTK::GL::X3DAppearanceNode X3DTK::GL::X3DChildNode X3DTK::GL::X3DGeometryNode X3DTK::MESH::Shape X3DTK::MESH::X3DGroupingNode X3DTK::MESH::X3DMeshNode X3DTK::MESH::X3DVertexNode X3DTK::X3D::X3DAppearanceChildNode X3DTK::X3D::X3DAppearanceNode X3DTK::X3D::X3DChildNode X3DTK::X3D::X3DGeometricPropertyNode X3DTK::X3D::X3DGeometryNode List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

Class declared in <X3DTK/kernel.h> defining the root of the inheritance tree for the nodes of the different scene graphs.

For more details, see the abstract scene graph API page.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::X3DAbstractNode  ) 


virtual X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::~X3DAbstractNode  )  [virtual]

Virtual destructor.

Member Function Documentation

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::addParentToChild SFNode  parent,
SFNode  child

Adds the parent to child.

SFNode X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::clone  )  const

Clones the node. This method has to be redefined in the children classes.

Reimplemented in X3DTK::X3D::CoordinateDeformer.

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::define const X3DMFNodeRecorder recorder  )  [inline, protected]

Defines a node.

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::define const X3DSFNodeRecorder recorder  )  [inline, protected]

Defines a node.

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::define const X3DAttributeRecorder recorder  )  [inline, protected]

Defines an attribute.

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::define const TypeName typeName  )  [inline, protected]

Defines a new type name.

template<class T, class V>
void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::defineAttribute const SFString name,
V T::*  member,
const V &  init
[inline, protected]

Defines an attribute.

template<class T, class V>
void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::defineNode const SFString name,
V T::*  node
[inline, protected]

Defines a node.

template<class T, class V>
void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::defineNodes const SFString name,
MFNode T::*  nodes
[inline, protected]

Defines a node.

template<class T>
void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::defineTempTypeName T *  t,
const SFString name,
const SFString component,
const SFString sceneGraph
[inline, protected]

Method to avoid defineTypeName having a template parameter.

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::defineTypeName const SFString name,
const SFString component = SFString(""),
const SFString sceneGraph = SFString("")
[inline, protected]

Method to call at the first line of the body of the constructor, and passing in argument the name of the tag of the X3D file, and optionnally the name of the component and of the scene graph.

X3DField X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::get const SFString name  )  const

Gets the name attribute.

MFNode X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::getChildList  ) 

Gets the list of children in the scene graph.

const SFString& X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::getName  )  const [inline]

Gets the name of the node.

MFNode X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::getParentList  )  const [inline]

Gets the list of parents in the scene graph.

const SFString& X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::getSceneGraphName  )  const [inline]

Gets the scene graph name of the node.

SFType* X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::getType  )  const [inline]

Gets the SFType of the node.

const SFString& X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::getTypeName  )  const [inline]

Gets the SFType name of the node. It is a shortcut to getType()->getName().

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::loadAttribute const SFString name,
const SFString value

Loads the attribute from its name and its SFString value.

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::loadAttributes const X3DFileElement element  ) 

Loads the attributes from an X3DFileElement.

bool X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::removeChild SFNode  N  ) 

Removes the child if exists. Returns TRUE if succeeds.

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::removeChildren  )  [protected]

Method which must be called in the destructor. Removes the links with child nodes.

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::removeParentFromChild SFNode  parent,
SFNode  child

Removes the parent from child.

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::set const SFString name,
const X3DField field

Sets the name attribute.

bool X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::setChild SFNode  N  ) 

Sets the child N.

Returns FALSE if N is not a valid child. If the child already exists then N becomes the new child.

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::setName const SFString name  ) 

Sets the name of the node. The name of the node is the DEF attribute in the X3D file.

SFString X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::writeAttribute const SFString name  ) 

Writes the attribute from its name.

void X3DTK::X3DAbstractNode::writeAttributes SFString output  ) 

Writes the attribute from its name.

Generated on Fri Aug 27 13:16:29 2004 for X3DToolKit by doxygen 1.3.6