Accurate Detection of Symmetries in 3D Shapes
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 25, Number 2, page 439 - 464 - April 2006
We propose an automatic method for finding symmetries of 3D shapes,
i.e. isometric transforms which leave a shape globally unchanged. These
symmetries are deterministically found through the use of an
intermediate quantity: the generalized even moments. By examining
their extrema and spherical harmonic coefficients we recover the
parameters of the symmetries of the shape. The computation for
large composite models is made efficient by using this information
in an incremental algorithm capable of recovering the symmetries
of a whole shape using the symmetries of its sub-parts.
Applications of this work range from coherent re-meshing of geometry
with respect to the symmetries of a shape, to geometric compression,
intelligent mesh editing and automatic instantiation.
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BibTex references
@Article\{MSHS06, author = "Martinet, Aur\'elien and Soler, Cyril and Holzschuch, Nicolas and Sillion, Fran\c{c}ois", title = "Accurate Detection of Symmetries in 3D Shapes", journal = "ACM Transactions on Graphics", number = "2", volume = "25", pages = "439 - 464", month = "April", year = "2006", url = "" }